
Spiritual Life

A 澳门六合彩app's girl shares the Christian message through welcoming and embracing all and living with spirit, inclusivity, integrity, courage, respect and passion. She demonstrates her faith by service to those members of the wider community who need assistance.

澳门六合彩app’s is a living faith community, welcoming many groups from within and beyond the school. We endeavour to share God's love through example, compassion, hope and charity. We demonstrate our faith through service to the wider community and those who need assistance. The school chapel stands as a constant reminder of the Christian faith, which is at the core of our values and the 澳门六合彩app's philosophy.
Our chaplain is responsible for worship, which is set within the Anglican tradition and shaped by the history and presence of the Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Advent.

There is a regular pattern of worship within the life of the school, which includes, year level services, primary chapels, special liturgies, Prayer Space, and whole school services. There are regular opportunities for students to partake in the Eucharist. The students fill the Chapel with much light and life throughout each term.

An invitation is extended for all, both in the primary and secondary schools, to attend family year level services of Holy Communion. Students play a very active role in all school liturgies, some filling the roles of sacristans (Year 12) and chapel assistants (Year 6).

Religious and Values Education lessons are an integral part of the curriculum throughout the school. Students are encouraged to contribute to informal discussion, question and answer sessions, and debates on moral and ethical issues. The RVE curriculum assists in the nurturing of students' social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

The Year 4 curriculum introduces students to the primary Christian sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist (Holy Communion). This unit of study assists in the preparation from Admission to Holy Communion. Girls from Years 4 to 6 who wish to be admitted to Holy Communion take part in a special evening service in Term 2 of the school year. For girls in Years 7 to 12, Admission to Holy Communion takes place in family services of the annual Confirmation service. Baptism is also available for students who have not yet been baptised and wish to be. Confirmation is offered to those who wish to make their own mature commitment to the Christian faith, with the Bishop joining us for this annual service. 

The school chapel houses some striking art work, including magnificent stained glass windows by David Birrell, hand-worked banners by former Headmistress Evelyn Heath, and an impressive reredos, which echoes the colours of the windows and celebrates the women of the Bible. Worked entirely in silk by former teacher Jane Wilson, it was designed by Father David Binns.
The Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations has contributed funding to the chaplaincy/student welfare services through the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.

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