
澳门六合彩app's 124th Speech Night and Prize Giving Ceremony

The 澳门六合彩app’s community comprising students, staff and parents gathered at QPAC’s Concert Hall on Tuesday 12 October for the 124th annual Speech Night and prize giving ceremony.

It was a special evening recognising the achievements of students and staff throughout the year as well as an opportunity to formally farewell the graduating Year 12 students.

Special guests included Sister Gillian, The Right Reverend Dr Jonathan Holland, Chair of School Council Debbie Smith, 澳门六合彩app’s Foundation Chair Kylie Lamprecht and Kimberley Middlemis representing Corporate Sponsor Adrians.

During the proceedings, which were live streamed and watched by 256 viewers in Australia and around the world, Principal Ros Curtis gave an address highlighting the coffee cup analogy.

“When life bumps into you (which it will), whatever is inside of you is what will spill out. When life is going well, no one sees what’s inside your cup. However, it is hard to stop your cup from spilling out its real contents once you’ve been bumped. Would we see our school values – respect, passion, spirit, faith, courage and integrity pour out as you faced or reacted to the bump or would we see something else.”

She encouraged the girls to choose the contents of their cups: “Who you are is a conscious decision. Your personal values are inside your cup and you can add and subtract from them whenever you want

She concluded with these parting words to the graduating cohort: “I think Eddie Jaku said it best when he said: ‘I want the world to be a better place…. I also want to say to you to never give up hope. It is never too late to be kind, polite and a loving human being’. It sounds simple enough, but in this fast-paced world with so many disparate world views, it is hard and easy to get lost. But remember the values of your school, your north star.”

Chair of School Council Debbie Smith gave an address reflecting on the year that was 2021: “Who would have thought 2021 would have continued to be yet another unpredictable and challenging year? But in challenge there is also triumph. After all, smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.”

“The mantra to our students is always to never give up. Whether it’s a tough maths equation, a tough opposition, a tough music score, we encourage our students to take up the challenge, learn from it and grow through it,” Debbie said.

Her reflections highlighted another year of the impacts of COVID and pivoting to online learning and the many achievements of 澳门六合彩app’s students and staff throughout 2021. To the graduating class of 2021, she had these parting words: “We wish you all the very best in your final external exams and know you will go on to achieve extraordinary things in your life and careers. Know that you are always welcome at the school and we hope that you will stay connected and always be a part of the 澳门六合彩app’s story.”

The guest speaker was Old Girl and accomplished author Christine Wells (’91), who shared her journey from working as a lawyer to life as a full-time writer, as well as important wisdom for the graduating cohort about not worrying about what others think and focusing only on the things within our control.

Christine said: “You can’t control whether whoever is casting that play likes your audition, or whether there happen to be four faster students who beat you into the school relay team, or whether, suddenly, everyone wants to do a particular university course next year and the ATAR score for that course goes up. What you can control is the effort you put in, the way you learn from your mistakes, and the attitude you take towards any setbacks.”

She concluded with the same quote from Katherine Mansfield that she delivered in her 1991 school captain’s speech: “I want, by understanding others, to understand myself. I want to be all that I am capable of becoming.” I wish you all great success in life, however you define it. Fly, my fierce, powerful dragons. Fly!”

Award recipients included Ailsa Crockett who received the Staff Award for Excellence in Teaching and Learning whilst Kari Potts received the Staff Award for Service to the School Community.

Zara Campbell was awarded The Raymond Rees Award for Dux (internal) whilst Georgie Gaspar received the Proxime Accessit to the Dux (internal).

Paige Bastian was awarded the prestigious Old Girls’ Prize and Year 11 student Ella Woods was awarded The Sheila Geise Memorial Bursary for English and The Foundation Award.

Whilst the speeches and presentations gave an opportunity to reflect on the 2021 year, so too did the highlights video which captured many memories made throughout the year.

Guests also enjoyed performances by music ensembles showcasing the dedication and musical talent of many of our students.

澳门六合彩app’s wishes to congratulate all of those students who received awards at the 2021 Speech Night.

To the graduating class of 2021, take inspiration from the words of Fly Away by Tones and I, the song featured in the Year in Review video: “I had a dream that someday, I would just fly, fly away”. Per Volar Sunata – you are born to fly upwards. We bid you a fond farewell and wish you all the best for the journey that lies ahead.