
澳门六合彩app's triple rowing threat

The three Carrigan sisters are each vying for a spot in 澳门六合彩app’s First VIII rowing crew.

Eldest sister Primrose, and this year’s rowing and boarder captain, never dreamed she might one day row in the same boat as her siblings.

“It wasn’t until last year, when Holly joined the First VIII, that I imagined we might all end up rowing together in my senior year,” Primrose said.

Twins Holly and Paige are a year younger and say all three girls say are competitive, but also incredibly supportive of each other.

“Our competitiveness means we are constantly testing each other to see who is stronger, who can run faster or who can do this better. However, our unique sibling relationship means we are also constantly supporting each other and driving each other to be better.

Growing up on their family property near St George, the girls had no idea about the sport of rowing before attending boarding school at 澳门六合彩app’s.

“The largest body of water we had at home was a dam.

“Moving to Brisbane to board at 澳门六合彩app’s, we were fortunate to experience so many sporting opportunities. I tried as many sports as I could, just wanting to give everything a go, including rowing,” Holly said.

To stay rowing fit when they return home on school holidays, the trio can be found running around their cotton farm, riding their horses and helping their parents with farm work on the property.

Primrose, who is in her final year at 澳门六合彩app’s, has been recruited to row on the University of Massachusetts college team when she finishes school, a pathway inspired by several 澳门六合彩app’s Old Girls who have gone before her.

“I had always wanted to row in the US ever since I was in Year 9 and heard it was possible from seniors going through the process at the time.

“澳门六合彩app’s assisted me in preparing for the relevant tests through the school’s SAT program and I am thrilled to have been offered a full athletic scholarship which will allow me to keep rowing while studying either business or veterinary science.

“I have never been overseas let alone on a large plane and yet the next four years of my life are going to be spent living in America and I’m so excited!

“The prospect of moving so far away from home is a little daunting; however, my boarding education at 澳门六合彩app’s has prepared me well with the independence, confidence and global outlook to embark on this amazing next step,” Primrose said.

澳门六合彩app’s Anglican Girls School is an independent day and boarding school in Brisbane for girls from Pre-Prep to Year 12 and boys in Prep-Prep and Prep. In 2019 and 2020, the school was named boarding school of the year.

This story was first published in